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Association Hexagonale De L’innovation Sociale Et De L’education is a not profit,non-governmental, independent civil association focused on innovation and training at European level.We aimly work in the education and training. Our mission is to give people the forward-looking knowledge, skills and competences they need to innovate and prosper in all sectors.Education and training play a vital role in boosting growth, innovation and job creation.It has also an important role to play in creating a European identity, building on common values and cultures. Our vision is empowering people to articulate and engage, participate and shape the future of Europe. Key objectives of our association is to promote entrepreneurship activities and greenjobs in labour market,mentoring for employability, developing digital skills to enable all citizens to be active in our digital society. developing digital skills for the digital economy, e.g. upskilling and reskilling workers, jobseekers.

Our association works today with a modern vision toward developing the society, through understanding the, information technology, communication, and interacts with the developing process by adapting methodologies.We have a wide network in education sector,includes schools,universities,civil society organizations,companies and social enterprises. The board and members are very experienced in project cycle management and EU funding programmes.Being nearly 15 years experience in programmes,they implemented many actions under Life Long Learning.

Panevezys Chamber of Commerce Industry and Crafts is a non-governmental entrepreneurial organization founded in 1991. Its members are production and service companies as well as educational and financial institutions. The Chamber represents interests of its members, promotes business development and export, takes an active part in various international projects and programmes. It also organises assessment of students‘ competencies at VET institutions and in general plays an important role in the field of vocational education as a social partner. Panevezys CCIC also represents Lithuanian Business Women Network, its aim is to enable women to successfully start and develop their own business. BWN is part of the European EuroChambres Women Network, participates in a number of social projects at local, national and European level.

The Chamber staff is experienced in implementing both business and education-focused projects as project coordinators or partners. It also has vast experience in managing international events, organising training activities and providing consultation services. Panevezys CCIC has participated in a number of projects related to promotion of entrepreneurship, mentoring, development and testing of new VET curricula. Some of the projects were and are related to various topics related to green economy and sustainable business.


ERFEY, which was established in 2010 with the gathering of a few great people with strong values and desire similar goals; provides digital services for brands and companies from every sector in the fields of software, education, consultancy and design. The team includes those who are experts in their field and have been in the business for more than 20 years, as well as enthusiastic fresh graduates who have recently completed their undergraduate studies. We can also say that ERFEY is an IT company that is willing to develop and produce competitive, qualified products, processes, information and technology, working interdisciplinary with the dynamic that emerges by blending the maturity and innovative approach that comes with experience. We attach great importance to everything we do and we always try to do the best. The more complex the problem, the more enjoyable it will be to solve, so we do not run away from problems, we solve them. As we solve it, we change, transform, renew.

Lifelong Learning and Higher Education Our training centre is composed of two fully interactive classrooms, one IT laboratory, a conference room and a kitchen. We cooperate with trainers and teachers from all over Italy, as well as outside Turkey, for the planning and implementation of non-formal and formal educational activities. Research & Innovation Our research team is composed of lecturers and researchers from the National Research Council (CNR), industrial engineers, experts in social sciences and from the educational sector. We constantly try to design and realize innovative solutions and services for different target groups, taking advantage also of a proved network of international relations and partnerships.